Member Article

Industry leaders outline infrastructure changes for the North East

Civil engineers from across the North East heard from senior level and national industry leaders at an event organised by the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), to gain an insight into how infrastructure improvements will be funded and delivered in the region.

The event took place in advance to changes to the way local transport schemes are financed and delivered.

Chaired by Professor David Balmforth, Senior Vice President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, the seminar featured:

  • Graham Dalton, Chief Executive, Highways Agency
  • Margaret Jackson, Head of the Northern Local Engagement Team, Department for Transport (DfT)
  • Graeme Mason, Planning and Corporate Affairs Director, Newcastle International Airport
  • Mark Wilson, Principal Regional Transport Adviser, North East Local Enterprise Partnership

Mr Dalton presented his vision for the strategic road network over the next decade and the procurement route to deliver future opportunities with a focus on our region. He explained the move to transform the Agency into an ‘arm’s length company’, wholly owned by the Government and how spending certainty over five year periods would be guaranteed in a similar format enjoyed by Network Rail and private utility companies.

Margaret Jackson explained how DfT would be providing funding for local highways, including the Maintenance Settlement, Integrated Transport Block, local Pinch Point Programme and Growth Deals.

The collaboration between seven of the region’s local authorities and the Local Enterprise Partnership, and the creation of a Combined Authority in the North East to prioritise and deliver schemes was also discussed with Mark Wilson.

Newcastle International Airport is a key gateway to our region, explained Graeme Mason and a driver for growth and job creation, and the importance of surface transport in enabling the airport to meet its full potential was reflected.

Professor Balmforth said: “Transport infrastructure is vital to the economy. The Institution of Civil Engineers was delighted to host this event, and it was pleasing to see so many professionals come together to discuss the importance of transport in the North East region.

“Infrastructure has been high on the political agenda since the financial crisis in 2008. In our State of the Nation Report 2013, ICE highlighted some key actions to improve transport infrastructure across the UK.

“Later this year, ICE will issue a State of the Nation Infrastructure report which will assess the capacity, condition and performance of the UK’s economic infrastructure networks; transport, energy, water, waste management and flood defences.

“Through this report ICE will make recommendations for improving infrastructure network performance and removing barriers to delivery, such as financing, planning and procurement, and insight into improved asset management.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Penny Marshall .

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