
Ve Interactive alerts e-commerce brands to Remarketing best practices

We are often asked how our service differs from competitors. It’s simple, there is no one else in the marketplace offering Retargeting, Bounce-Rate Reduction and Remarketing solutions on one single platform. Ours is a unique, multi-faceted enterprise solution.

There are distinct benefits to this, including: greater segmentation capability; all activities conducted with greater insight and understanding of cross channel consumer behaviour; and the ability to halt one solution whilst another one engages. All these lead to greater efficiency and online conversion.

However if you do Remarket by using a third party silo solution, it should be of the highest possible quality software or you risk website latency, incorrect data capture and delivering multiple incorrect emails to browsers and buying customers.

This happening is brand suicide and the only way to avoid it is to use an enterprise-level solution that combines powerful criteria-filtering with lightening-speed database segmentation and localised servers. Data should always be hosted in local countries for best practice data handling and maximum data security, and without this in place, you are risking exposing your brand to significant damage.

The VePlatform is housed on a multi-national server structure and we have physical offices in 12 countries too. Speak to us today to learn how you can bring all your Retargeting, Re-engagement and Remarketing needs under one award-winning roof and therefore convert more browsers into buyers, driving incremental revenue growth and achieving unparalleled economic efficiency.

The VePlatform will also give you valuable insight that will help you identify new strategic areas of opportunity within both disciplines of online advertising and optimisation.

Talk to us today!

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Kathy Heslop .

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