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The Community Infrastructure Levy set to boost Sheffield projects

A new national scheme is preparing to be launched in Sheffield in order to attract developers’ contributions for citywide and local infrastructure projects.

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), which wasinitiated in Leeds earlier this week, is a new scheme to secure these contributions towards infrastructure provision through the planning system.

The CIL will take over from the individually negotiated planning arrangements known as Section 106 agreements.

The new scheme is levied on new buildings and extensions to buildings according to their floor area, therefore money will be raised from developments to help the Council pay for significant infrastructure to support these new developments.

This infrastructure can consist of roads, schools, transport improvements, open space and public spaces, plus any other community facilities required to ensure sustainable growth.

The majority of the money received has to be spent on any new infrastructure needed as a result of a new development in any location. Although the levy will only be charged on new floor space and on larger schemes, it will be paid by most new developments,

The Council’s Cabinet is expected to approve the new Charging Schedule at its meeting next Wednesday (15 April). If approved the cabinet will begin charging CIL on qualifying developments that receive planning permission from 15 July 2015.

Simon Green, the Council’s executive director of place, said: “The CIL will help us to deliver our strategic priorities for the development of the city. We are expecting an income of £3-4 million from this scheme once it’s established. This income will be generated through economic growth and reinvested into the city’s infrastructure.

“The scheme will be fairer, faster and more transparent than Section 106 and give the Council and local communities the freedom to agree on their key priorities. CIL will provide a predictable funding stream - making infrastructure delivery more efficient and give developers certainty and quicker planning decisions.”

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