Garousca specialises in herbs, spices, oils, among other foodstuffs.

Food wholesaler expands business after six figure backing from HSBC

To cope with a reported surge in demand a London food wholesaler has purchased two additional warehouses in Park Royal with funds from HSBC.

London-based Garousca distributes a range of food products to retailers across the UK and overseas. Garousca specialises in herbs, spices, oils, among other foodstuffs.

The company has used the funding to purchase two new sites adjacent to its existing premise in Park Royal, totaling over 4,000 sq ft. The additional space is expected to enable Garousca to increase its stock capacity by 30 per cent.

Shafiz Garusana, director of Garousca said: “We are pleased to be able to continue to grow the business with the acquisition of these two new sites.

“The increase in capacity not only allows us to scale up operations, but it will also enable us to compete for bigger customers as part of our wider business growth strategy.

“We are grateful for the continued support from HSBC UK and our relationship manager Daniel Gibbs, who have been an instrumental part of our business since we purchased our first warehouse nearly 20 years ago.”

Chris Chambers, HSBC UK area director for London City Business Banking, added: “Garousca has continued to grow this year despite the challenging conditions, and we are pleased to be able to support the future expansion of the business. We look forward to continuing to support the business on its growth journey.”

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