Business community reports ‘record results’ following switch to four-day week

A business community, which helps ‘ambitious’ entrepreneurs and owners to grow their businesses to where they want them to be, is reporting record results of its own, with revenue quadrupling since implementing the four-day week back in 2019.

Birmingham based Entrepreneurs Circle (EC), which was founded by serial entrepreneur and best-selling business author Nigel Botterill in 2011, has also seen membership grow by 400 per cent in that same period.

Meanwhile, staff are reporting better work/life balance and greater drive and motivation in their roles, which in turn has benefited the thousands of EC members across the UK (and overseas).

Perhaps even more encouraging is that results from the 2023 members’ survey show that 28 per cent of them had more than doubled their revenue in the first year of membership, which has given them the ability to expand their business operations and hire new staff.

Members also reported feeling more focused on their business with more motivation and clarity of direction thanks to the guidance of EC and the peer-support of the wider membership community.

Nigel, who ‘took the leap’ and left his corporate career to start his first business in 2003, explained: “We offer our members the tools, training, help and support they need to do two very clear things, get and keep more customers.

It is that framework, structure and clarity which has seen membership skyrocket in recent years, with membership now approaching 3,000. However, as Nigel explains, that growth can only be achieved and then sustained, with a team that is just as committed and motivated as he himself is.

He continued: “This is a big beast of a business. We run large scale events online and offline that are full-on experiences for our members. Our goal is to inspire and motivate them as they learn to build their businesses and put theory into action but that cannot be done without a team that wants to be a big part of that picture.

“I had looked at the four-day week for a few years pre-Pandemic but there is no doubt that it was the catalyst to actually implementing the move and making it a key part of how we work.

“The results have been nothing short of spectacular for us in terms of attracting and retaining high-calibre people and in turn, growing our membership. Interestingly, we are now seeing many of our members embracing the 4-day- week concept after they have seen the impact it has had on EC.”

By Matthew Neville – Senior Correspondent, Bdaily

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