Member Article

Century for scheme to reverse digital brain drain

More than 100 students have secured placements in North East digital technology companies, thanks to a scheme aimed at reversing the ‘brain drain’ of talent from the region. The 100th mark for the scheme, run by Codeworks Connect, was reached during the process to place this year’s batch of students from all five of the region’s universities.

Stuart Wilkinson, 20, who was placed in software firm Scott Logic was officially named as the 100th placement. Herb Kim, CEO of Codeworks, said: “The success of the scheme relies on participation from the students, universities and companies, and Codeworks Connect would like to thank them all for their support over the last three years. “This is an important initiative for the region, and the 100+ students and 50 companies that have taken part have reaped significant mutual benefits. We estimate the value to businesses to be around £4million, and an astonishing 90% of graduates taking part in the scheme have secured longer term work as a direct result.”

Any student or graduate who wants to be considered for a placement should call Naomi Jackson, Skills Development Executive at Codeworks, on 0191 211 2592 or email

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Ruth Mitchell .

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