Member Article

Boost for cancer charities

A new project launched in the North East aims to raise thousands of pounds for cancer charities. The One Million Steps Project will see organiser Jon Andrews and his team complete three walks, culminating in one million steps taken over the next three years. On 10th July, the team will embark on their first challenge - to walk a 200mile route from Newcastle to Edinburgh, walking over 20 miles each day. The event is already attracting massive support from local businesses and individuals. Explorer Caravans have stepped up to become the campaign’s primary sponsor, providing caravan support for Jon en route. And The Theatre Royal, O’Neill and Zevo Golf have all lent support.The project has been organised by Jon and colleague Michelle Lindsay, a PR and Marketing Director from Newcastle, who at 29 has lived with cancer for over 9 years. Michelle said: “I was diagnosed at 20 years old. For nearly ten years I’ve gone through a roller coaster journey from extreme highs to devastating lows and I am one of thousands of people who would simply not be here if it wasn’t for the work of charities like Cancer Research. I would urge anyone who is touched by cancer to visit our website at and make a donation.“The project has also attracted the attention of a London Music Production company, who have donated a track to the campaign, which can be downloaded for free from the website by anyone making a donation.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Ruth Mitchell .

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