Member Article

Cash needed to boost local school's enterprise education

Hebburn Comprehensive School has the mammoth task on its hands of raising support for special ‘Business and Enterprise Education’ status and need to raise £50,000 by this October. The cash will allow them to claim a further £400k over four years from Government funding if they succeed. The school, which is located on Campbell Park Road, wants to attract large amounts of government funding to develop its expertise in providing business and enterprise skills and if successful, the school will be able to improve its facilities and the range of courses on offer for pupils and a wide range of businesses as well as adults within the community and pupils in local primary schools. Trevor Lewis, Deputy Head Teacher, said: “In order to qualify for additional government funding, the school needs to attract a total of £50,000 of private funding from the business community and individuals who wish to sponsor this enterprise and become associated with the activities of the school. It’s a big task but the pupils and teachers are fired up and with the support of the wider community we aim to give it our very best shot.” Sponsors will receive a number of benefits from the school and from their involvement in the bid, with a large number of pupils and adults in the community. If you can help in any way through sponsorship or fund raising, please contact Deputy Head Teachers, Mr. Trevor Lewis or Mrs Helen Winn on 0191 483 3199 or Mike Storey at informnorth magazine on 0191 5866 010.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Ruth Mitchell .

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