Member Article

Real-time traffic information to help drivers

Real-time traffic information services are featured in a new guide for drivers. “Think Ahead, Move Ahead” is published by the Highways Agency and is a 64-page booklet aimed at helping drivers plan and manage their journeys. The guide features information available through websites, telephone services and information points at motorway service areas, which uses information from the Agency’s National Traffic Control Centre which monitors traffic conditions across 7,300 km of motorways and trunk roads in England. Roads Minister Stephen Ladyman said: “Drivers can use the services to make a real difference to their journeys. A recent survey shows that 77 per cent of drivers surveyed don’t plan their journeys at all. “We’re offering drivers a choice of services, using the most up to date traffic information available. People can find out about traffic conditions before they set off, while they are travelling or even when they’ve stopped at a motorway service station for a cup of coffee. They can find out if there will be any delays and how to avoid them. If they can’t change their route, they will have a more realistic idea of how long their journey will take.” This summer, the Highways Agency will also run a trial to display up-to-the-minute travel times on electronic signs on a section of the motorway network. The signs will tell people how long their journey will take between different points or how long any delays are likely to last.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Ruth Mitchell .

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