Fenton Packaging Solutions head of supply chain Ryan Banks.

Leeds manufacturer invests in future expansion following management buyout

Following the recent announcement of its Management Buy Out (MBO), Leeds based Fenton Packaging Solutions is continuing to expand and is investing in the future.

In May, ownership of the business passed from former managing director Bob Clarke to: managing partner of sales development Chris Warren; managing partner of supply chain David Wilson; and managing partner of finance Sharon Dakin.

Last year, the company relocated to a 65,000 sq ft site at Kinetic 45 in Newmarket Lane, Leeds, and rebranded as Fenton Packaging Solutions. It had invested over £1m to streamline its operations and put a new fleet on the road. Now it has announced new investments and has begun a new round of recruitment.

Fenton Packaging Solutions managing partner of supply chain David Wilson commented: “We continue to offer a consultative approach and, through innovation, help to steer our customers towards using the most sustainable packaging options for their businesses.

“Our latest investment in systems not only improves the customer experience, but also delivers major gains in carbon footprint reduction for our business and our clients.”

Fenton Packaging Solutions head of supply chain Ryan Banks, added: “As we’ve settled into our new premises and enjoyed a period of steady growth, it has become essential to look at every possible way to improve our systems.

“While embracing new software and ways of working is clearly the future for Fenton, I’m ever mindful that the experience of the existing team, many of whom have been with the business for over 20 years, should not be undervalued.”

Managing partner of finance Sharon Dakin, said: “Ryan is a great example of our approach to the future of the business. He joined Fenton straight from university and has grown into his current role very rapidly.

“We currently employ around 40 full-time staff members, and we are now introducing a graduate program. We have also begun the process of becoming an accredited Investors in People organisation. Investing in the latest and most advanced software systems to better manage the business, will also help us attract young talent.”

David Wilson concluded: “Introducing our new route-optimisation system is just the latest step in future-proofing the business. As we look to further grow the business and bring new skills and people into Fenton Packaging Solutions, we will also continue on our mission to bring more innovative, sustainable packaging solutions to the market.”

By Matthew Neville – Senior Correspondent, Bdaily

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