GJ Stobart GJ Stobart


From the age of self awareness I began to use both my strengths and weaknesses to my advantage to begin to fully enjoy life. Positive thinking and removing the fear in life creates a flow that allows us to really understand enjoyment. My view on life is some what obscure to others solely because I try and gain enjoyment from every task no matter how mundane. Coming from a destructive family I have learned from a young age that strong relationships make life much easier to comprehend and enjoy. Having an elder sister who is now an MD of her successful start up I always have a motive and a drive to gain more success as the minutes, hours and days go by. Spending valuable years in education and then the beginnings of working life climbing the ladder in retail, I have gained countless transferable skills and invaluable experience. I live my life in the hope of creating enjoyment at every turn, with every interaction and I will continue to do so no matter the future.

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