Jumpstart Ltd Jumpstart Ltd


Jumpstart is the fastest growing R&D tax relief specialist in the UK, providing consultancy services to companies from £1m to £2bn across the full range of commerce and industry. We provide [a unique blend of technological and business expertise](http://www.jumpstartuk.co.uk/why-jumpstart/technology-based-approach/) to guide companies through the complexities of submitting claims to HMRC. We believe that companies get the best results by using people who actually understand the science of what they do. That’s why our analysts come from many scientific backgrounds enabling them to identify eligible activity and then translate very technical information into meaningful reports that are relevant to HMRC’s R&D guidelines. [Working together with accountants](http://www.jumpstartuk.co.uk/just-for-accountants/testimonials/), Jumpstart finds and maximises the client’s eligibility while accountants utilise its tax benefit. We always complement rather than compete. Jumpstart has consistently found eligibility in processes in companies that have struggled to understand the legislation. [We are proud to be different,](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgbawTnIzjg) and justifiably so – our approach has allowed us to make strong, successful claims for many companies who were previously advised that they were ineligible, or which had greatly underestimated the extent of their eligibility.

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