
Member Article

New work enhancing alternative to cigarettes

Research has shown that smoking breaks annually cost British businesses billions of pounds - with £5 billion attributed to time spent smoking during the working day, and an additional £1 billion lost to smoking-related sick days. Smoke cravings can also impose stress on employees who struggle to concentrate without regular cigarette breaks, but are concerned about smelling of cigarettes and causing animosity amongst their peers.

Lifestyle brand Nicoccino recognises that smoking can be mutually disruptive for both employees and employers during working hours– this is where their innovative, new product can help. Delivering instant smokeless satisfaction, newly launched Nicoccino is discreet enough to be used wherever and whenever, whether in an important business meeting, in the middle of a conference call or at a client lunch. With the potential to save companies billions of pounds and limit health problems and inconvenience for the individual; Nicoccino offers users a pure nicotine experience and immediately counteracts the desire for a cigarette.

Nicoccino delivers the same amount of nicotine as one normal strength cigarette without tar, tobacco, chemicals or the associated smell. Simply placing one of the Nicoccino films underneath the upper lip and onto the gum, where it will sit securely and dissolve, enables a transfer of nicotine – offering smokeless satisfaction within minutes.

Made using natural ingredients and developed in Sweden – world leaders in smokeless nicotine products –thousands of people have also successfully used the product as an aid to quit smoking.

Michel Bracke, CEO and Founder of Nicoccino, comments: “Nicoccino is perfect for professionals with a busy lifestyle. The product counteracts the desire for a cigarette and means users won’t have their day interrupted by untimely smoking breaks”.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Sandra Griffiths .

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